Tempeh, broiled mushroom and grilled onion salad

Vegan, Gluten free, so good!  Tempeh, broiled garlic mushrooms, grilled spicy onion over a bed of spring greens.  It’s what’s for dinner 🙂




Support a vegan artisan, Visit my hand made jewelry webstore  https://www.etsy.com/shop/goodnessinthecosmos

Vegan Nut Clusters


Get some vegan chocolate, melt.  Put some nuts in a bowl, stir, spoon out little clusters onto parchment paper.

I used organic raw pecans, organic roasted unsalted cashews, and organic raw walnuts.  I did them all separately, cuz I didn’t want to mix my nuts, lol!


It doesn’t take much chocolate at all… Cool in the fridge and eat.  So good!

P.S. Real chocolate should melt in your mouth AND your hand.  Who wants to eat wax anyway?


Have fun with your delicious vegan treat making 🙂 Victoria

Visit my original handmade jewelry webstore at  http://www.etsy.com/shop/goodnessinthecosmos



Healthy Vegan Peanut Butter Cups Experiment


So, I decided to make my own vegan peanut butter cups.  Being a health conscious vegan, it greatly appealed to me to make a treat without extra oil, additives, and sugars.

I basically melted some vegan/non GMO (Enjoy Life brand) chocolate chips in a double boiler with a splash of my chosen extract (like vanilla, mint or almond).  With a small ladle spooned the melted chocolate into muffin/cupcake papers (actually used a muffin tin to hold the papers.  Let the chocolate cool. Then spooned some room temp sugar free/salt fee/stabilizer free organic peanut butter and covered with another small spoon of chocolate.  Not to pretty to look at, but I was happy to eat them without the added confectioners sugar and extra fattening ‘other’ stuff, often put into peanut butter cups.

Tastes SO good, and good for you too 🙂  Also was half the price of ‘store’ bought ones, and I had enough extra melted chocolate to make nut clusters (see next post).

Have fun with your delicious vegan treat making 🙂 Victoria

Visit my original handmade jewelry webstore at  http://www.etsy.com/shop/goodnessinthecosmos

Quick Vegan Wrap



Quick vegan wrap, Coleslaw and romaine.  I like to use the ‘red’ cabbage for coleslaw because it gives some much needed ‘vitamin purple’.  If you try to eat from the color spectrum, this is a good way to get some ‘color’ into your diet.

For a sauce try Vegan  Chipotle mayo, or a lighter option just some lemon squirts.  Natural organic lemon also aids in the digestion.

Wraps are actually pretty easy to make from scratch, but they are also available pre-made in many stores.


Organic Vegan Gluten Free Oil Free Chocolate Chip Bars, Blondies


One of my specialties, which  has even been asked to be in a published ‘cookbook’ a few times. I call them chocolate chip cookie cake, but the texture is more like a good moist brownie (blondie).

These are my ‘secrets’ for gluten free, oil free organic, almost sugar free, baking.  No weird ingredients necessary. Instead of sugar or artificial sweetners, Lundberg Organic Brown Rice syrup is a perfect addition to baking.  i usually add a bit of date sugar for taste.  For a perfect gluten free brownie type flour, just use organic soy flour mixed with brown rice flour. The more soy you add the moister and chewier it will get  A perfect chewy texture. Also instead of oil use Organic unsweetened applesauce. You may need extra cooking time.

Have fun with your delicious vegan baking 🙂 Victoria

Visit my original handmade jewelry webstore at  http://www.etsy.com/shop/goodnessinthecosmos

Chipotle New Sofritas Burrito

Tried the new “Sofritas”burrito from Chipotle.  Sofritas is organic tofu and spicy pepper seasoning.   A bit oily.  I came home and put my vegan sour creme and own hot sauce on it.  For some reason their ‘hot sauce’ condiments don’t agree with me.  Any raw onion or pepper that is not organic does not agree with me.  Probably due to the pesticides.

I ordered this again a few weeks later when traveling, but there was a piece of steak in the dish, gross. One of the hazards of those “food line” type establishments, stuff gets dropped where it doesn’t go.  Had to throw that dish out and go hungry.  Chipotle is not a good place for vegans or those with dairy allergy, if they can not keep their food assembly line clean.

Quick Vegan Sandwich, PB and J


Quickest type of vegan sandwich, choose your favorite nutbutter or spread, put on bread and eat.  Here is unsalted unsweetened organic peanut butter, with bilberry (juice sweetened) fruit spread on toasted organic sourdough, a yeast free bread.  Not a frequent meal choice, but when you’re out of salad it’ll do.

Vegan Buffalo Wrap


Vegan Buffalo wrap, featuring Beyond meat, organic mesclun mix, tomato and buffalo sauce.  So good.  Served with a side , of not quite to my liking coleslaw and a pickle and ranch on the side.  The last time I came here, it was the best coleslaw ever.   They changed chefs so some of the recipes are different.  Still a good vegan lunch on the go.