Organic Vegan Cherry Pie, Hopples

Organic Vegan Cherry pie, topped with orrganic vegan vanilla ice cream
Organic Vegan Cherry pie, topped with organic vegan vanilla ice cream

Choosing to eat vegan doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite treats for a life of salad and kale smoothies. (Ewe, just ewe visualizing that thought). Neither does it mean a life of inconvenience.

Here is how I made this:

Heat according to directions
Heat according to directions

Topped with:

Very glad to see Turtle Island still makes a coconut oil free flavor...
Very glad to see Turtle Island still makes a coconut oil free flavor…

It’s as easy as turning on the oven 🙂


Vegan Minestrone

Vegan minestrone
Vegan minestrone

The snow melted down enough for me to cut some fresh garden herbs and make minestrone.

I think I may have gotten carried away with all the veggies, but can you blame me? Veggies are so good!

My ‘secret’ ingredients in this are rare homegrown hot peppers that I froze whole in a freezer bag. I take the peppers out before serving.

Also, if adding noodles, always cook them seperately and add them in before serving. The soup should also be stored this way, noodle free.

